Grand Theft Data "The Tin Foil Hat Episode"
It’s an exciting time for ConTechs. The world is full of solutions to be leveraged, platforms to jump on, technologies to throw at processes. We are all busier than ever bringing our organizations through their digital transformations. Many of us are running around excitedly and getting traction with our initiatives.
Now it’s time for us to regret all of it and be terrified of technology. If you’ve had the opportunity to hear Nick Espinosa at an event, his video series, or a TedX talk, you know we have plenty of reasons to be afraid. Nothing like him announcing the name of your device while up on stage, calling out the fact that you are indeed one of the unlucky ones connected to his spoofed WiFi network.
Now Nick isn’t all doom and gloom, but he is the Chief Security Fanatic at Security Fanatics and he will tell us all the reasons we should be techno-optimists with a pragmatic approach to securing all of these devices, apps, softwares, clouds, autonomous vehicles, neural links, and SkyNets that we’re deploying across our jobsites and throughout our companies.
Join us this week, Wednesday July 29th at 5CT as we put on our tinfoil hats and get the bejeezus scared out of us. Hopefully we’ll have some laughs along the way and learn that the future is still bright.