Help us build the DorkaThon
In my last post, I announced the idea of creating a gathering of the Dorks where we could all network and chat about dork… stuff from across the industry. That post solidified the idea that has been brewing that there is community of people out there who are interested in both how technology applies to construction as well as are intensely passionate about the industry and the challenges facing it. With that in mind, the event being proposed is taking a step further and hopefully has a deeper purpose than shiny new toys.
I’ve huddled with a handful of other Dorks and we’ve come up with the idea that this should be a truly purposeful and Dork led event. It also seemed to make a lot of sense that if, we’re hoping to set some pretty lofty goals to truly help construction PROGRESS, that we collaborate with the Construction Progress Coalition (see what I did there?). Being that I am a member delegate as well as the Membership Committee Co-Chair, I figured I might know a guy.
So… what now? Well, this is where I’m asking you all to pitch back in. The event may have a different overall theme that we’ve all originally discussed, but fret not, that many nerds in a room and there will be plenty of tech talk. Now we’re looking for a handful of people who’d like to facilitate innovation round tables centered around these big picture topics. The idea is to curate an audience that spans the entire project team on a typical construction project, from the A to the E to the C to the O…yo. And everyone in between.
As a special note here, I want to reiterate that we feel perspectives from vendors and technology partners are imperative in this process and you all will be welcome, but keep in mind that this is a forum for the sharing of ideas and for the betterment of the entire industry. We will not be looking for or welcoming any pushes for specific solutions.
The ConstructionDorks event webpage will be updated with a form where you can express interest in being one of those facilitators. There’ll be a list of suggested topics, some of them are already featured CDX targets from the CPC, some are not. You can also give your own topic. We’ll huddle up once more (see above) and then choose the sessions.
The CPC has also offered that registration costs for this event will be covered for delegates as part of their membership fee. We’re gathering support from other organizations out there that see the benefit in all of us getting together for the betterment of our beloved industry. I don’t have a cost just yet for attendees as we’re still sorting some of the logistics, but check back often for updates as we start to solidify plans.
Thank you, and may the Dork be with you.